
作者:Olinga Taeed教授-商务部中国电子商务区块链委员会委员、专家顾问

[嘉宾字节 – DigitalBytes 28 March 2021]

与人工智能、物联网、5G等其他第四次工业革命(4IR)技术不同,尽管加密市场价值去年增长了850%,超过1.5万亿美元,但12年后区块链仍未成为主流。亚马逊、Alexa、谷歌和苹果人工智能Siri控制着我们的家——音乐、暖气、门等等。在我残疾女儿的家里,物联网驱动的机器人为她送货,她的物联网门让他们在COVID-19大流行期间保持她的安全和健康。我的5G手机同时从我的房产中播放11个高清闭路电视视频,确保我的资产安全。我们的生活越来越依赖于4IR,但如果区块链明天就消失了呢?没有,绝对没有。世界不会注意到,也没有用户依赖——它没有在我们的生活中获得牵引。只有毒品和性贩子、勒索软件商人以及那些逃避政府公众监督(税收和资本外逃)的人会哀悼它的死亡。公民、企业和治理中心(Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance)首席执行官芭芭拉·梅利什(Barbara Mellish)曾任英格兰银行(Bank of England)支付委员会支付诚信和安全主管,负责英国3850亿英镑的日常交易。她说:“区块链尚未结出任何果实,对我们的日常生活产生影响。我听到你说“比特币”,但事实上,比特币只是全球金融世界的一个舍入误差。旧的企业遗留系统充分地为我们提供了固有的严格性和稳定性。区块链技术的利大于弊吗?


  1. 贸易机构

本质上是分散的,这就存在一个组织我们自己的问题。目前有超过1000家交易所,其中Binance这样的交易所在24小时内的交易额通常接近300亿美元,但我们甚至没有一个行业代表机构。没有人支持,没有人回应政府和监管机构,或记者。中国没有自我监管,因此这可能使该行业面临外部过度监管。其他小得多的行业也有贸易协会,为什么我们没有呢?像Chandler Guo和Eric Gu这样的巨头是我们的顾问委员会成员,我们希望将这些鲸鱼聚集在一起,以提高加密行业的可信度。

2. 社会相关性

开始时有很多希望。像唐·泰普斯科特(Don Tapscott)、克里斯·拉尔森(Chris Larsen)等科技巨头谈到区块链技术改变了社会结构,但到目前为止,这四种区块链发烧友中唯一的赢家是投机者,另外三种(区块链是宗教,4IR未来主义者,以及“更快、更便宜、更高效”的旅)只能寄希望于此。区块链的运动是一个数字资产从a到B,但实实在在的钱等金融资产,黄金、土地和钻石并不是唯一的资产——大流行后的已确认对我们许多人来说,软无形的非金融资产,如爱、幸福、希望和善良,的确我们的健康,有更大的价值。现在影响我们的事情,气候变化,黑人生命重要,影响我们跨境贸易的政治,LGBTQ+,健康——我们无话可说。为此,我们最近在伦敦、迪拜和新加坡新成立的“代码意识形态研究所:总价值之家”(Institute of Ideology in Code: Home of Total Value)招募了25名大学实习生。我们相信,区块链凭借其在金融和非金融价值之间进行仲裁的能力,是我们实现联合国2030年可持续发展议程的关键,该议程代表了17种意识形态,我们可以通过使用区块链技术来编纂和交易。更重要的是,我们正致力于利用区块链,为世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)撰写2021年达斯古普塔评论,英国央行(Bank of England)前行长马克•卡尼(Mark Carney)对人类价值与金融价值的看法,以及方济各教皇(Pope Francis) 2019年对弗朗西斯科(Francesco)的经济——所有3人都认为,GDP不再是我们衡量财富和交易财富的方式。

3. 标准的互操作性

区块链没有TCP/IP,同样由于区块链的去中心化,区块链之间没有共同的标准和互操作性。在Hyperledger(我们的14份开源白皮书)等方面已经有了一些崇高的尝试,但目前我们看到的是分歧而不是融合。随着现有区块链种类的增加,情况变得更加复杂和不一致,包括难以捉摸的分叉和分裂,以及令人眼花缭乱的新工具,如ICO、IEO、STO、DeFi、NFT等,随着行业不断地寻找一些持久的东西,这些工具的涨落急剧上升。事实上,我们没有谷歌、Facebook、亚马逊的区块链——我们没有技术存在的理由,也没有大马士革的经验无可辩驳地向街上的人证明我们为什么需要它,就像互联网一样。TCP/IP是我的朋友Vint Cerf在70年代中期发明的,而谷歌是在大约25年后的1998年创建的。我们认为,我们只需要时间,到2030年,我们将会到达那里,如果不是更快的话,尽管根据中田聪2008年的论文,我们计划在2020年中期到达那里。

4. 扩展应用程序


5. 学术研究


6. 机构合作

政府和大公司并不像人们通常认为的那样是区块链的敌人,实际上他们将是采用区块链的主要代理人。Facebook Libra不仅是一个备受瞩目的联盟的失败,也是一个行业的失败,因为我们没有支持第一家推动这项技术的大公司;它并不完美,但我们都迷失在那一个。我们为中国政府在2020-21年试点的数字元CBDC项目表示赞赏,并通过“中国电子商务区块链委员会”向中国商务部提出建议。作为一个部门,如果我们要推动采用,我们必须接受这样的项目。能够在机构层面上运作的咨询公司非常缺乏,我们位于苏黎世的Rothbadi和伦敦的区块链团队就是罕见的例子,但我们需要行业中更严肃的参与者。

7. 全球的声音

媒体的高度关注突出了单一接触点的缺乏,以代表一种令人困惑的技术。这个行业是否需要一个“伟大而善良”的声音来回应批评、监管机构、询问等等?我们为该行业整理了一份新的尚未发布的期刊,名为《Token:加密货币、价值和价值》(the Token: Cryptocurrency, Value and Values),以代表我们作为一个整体,而不是一个特定的行业。自2008年以来,我们为世界制定了区块链愿景(中英文版本),包括公共、私人、公民社会和社区等各个领域,并希望有一天区块链将成为改善我们生活的世界的核心驱动力


My toaster is racist, my kettle homophobic but my car my true friend

The New World Order of Ideology in Code: IoT, DLT, AI and 5G


We are all searching for new paradigms. Democracy is broken, capitalism questionable and the environment a disaster. Our views used to be simple to be identified, tagged, and sold to, but social media has obliterated that. We now live in a community of one, just me. All social media feeds reinforce my views, exclude challenges to my values, and allow me to live in my own bubble in isolation without the need to consider the opinions of others. This makes democracy unworkable as there is no majority consensus. There is no one Brexit UK, one Trump USA, there are truths all around us and we want to pick and mix just like our social media communities. In the good old days if you drank chamomile tea you were probably lesbian, vegetarian and a tree hugger; now you can can love soya latte, hate immigrants, vote Brexit but still demand European travel. The world is searching for a scalable and sustainable future that can accommodate a myriad of values. One nation unity has left the room and switched the light off.

Strategic responses are predictable. The Americans believe money is the currency of life, our sentiment data belongs to corporates in exchange for free services, and market forces will drive social change. The Europeans believe safety in numbers, the sanctity of legislation, treaties and GDPR’s my-data-my-way will safeguard us from bad actors. The Chinese believe in government patriarchy, they should own your data to protect you, and use 4th Industrial Revolution Technologies of Blockchain, AI and IoT to implement homogenously across all BRI nations. Corporates cling on to various positivity instruments like CSR, Impact Investment, ESG and ethical supply chains to enact their good intentions. The fact is everyone is trying to the best of their capability;  even drug lords can do good. Just like people, there are no evil nations or corporates but there are shades of grey.

We have now all become used to technology being touted as the saviour. Facebook, Google, Amazon, Tencent, Alibaba …. bring joy to billions for free by tracking our alignment, value and values in order to sell us more stuff. The science of digitally measuring happiness, hope, love, aspiration, and all such non-financial soft intangible assets are now well rehearsed. What DLT has done is to allow the transaction of those assets from A to B, just like any financial tangible hard asset – money, gold, diamonds – the assets of Christmas past. Tokenisation makes real the tracking and movement of value(s), injecting life into good intentions and virtues with unprecedented granularity beyond face to face volunteering, corporate ethics and national policies. So now we can codify ideology, and transact them at scale … just like banks but this time with our feelings.

Enter stage right AI offering us the ability to nudge our behavior in any direction we care for by incentivizing good behavior and removing negative options. That of course, is the heart of the Chinese Social Credit System. Western cultures will frown on manipulation of choices based on behaviours, but that is exactly what Facebook et al already do. Only they decide what jobs we get to see, and which postings are fed to us, and how our personal AI of Alexa, Siri, Bixby, and others guide us depending on the capability of our financial shopping basket. China puts government’s paternal  responsibilities of the society body corpus above those of the individual rights and freedoms including jay walking, carrying arms, or shooting children in playgrounds. Until now there has been no happy medium but with blockchain democracy you can have your cake and eat it too. Through smart contracts you can identify your alignment, be rewarded for those choices, and equally accept the limitations you have chosen in a transparent way.

But let’s go further. The world will not truly change unless every atom of our being embed our ideology – every product, process, project, organization, and people, have our values not just on our sleeves but in our things – the Internet of Things. In the immediate future what enjoins IoT to us will be our 5G phones which, as Professor Karen Pollitt-Cham eloquently puts it, layers our values into a “human centred network slice to nudge value driven behaviour”. Our phones will be a repository of our values alongside our value, already well accustomed to the Chinese WeChat Pay and AliPay. The resident AI (our ‘Ubot’) will guide us how to behave in alignment to the direction of what we hold dear, eschew things which do not conform to our wishes, and we will be able to imbue everything around us with our value(s) set.

To put it simply, our ideology can now be codified, transacted, nudged and embedded in the world around us. In a miniscule way, we started this process back in 2011 by measurement of non-financial value through the Social Earnings Ratio®, moved to transaction in 2016 through the Seratio® blockchain, visioned a world where AI Ubot would embed sentiment like love and hope into all our decisions, but to be truly adopted in time for UN SDG 2030, it needs the spread of 5G’a data slices to embed these values in everything around us so even our kettle can be driven by our values.

Naturally, there are dangers. The racist doorbell will not ring when a black man presses the button. Indeed, institutional racism is nothing but codified ideology but primitive and minute when compared to the guaranteed future ubiquity of 4IR. History advises that neither Chinese behavioural codes, nor West Coast marketing algorithms could be necessarily trusted as centralized guides arbitraging our moral compass. Herein lies the true advantage of the decentralized nature of IoT, that the pantheistic nature of small bits of ‘good’ code authored by billions of diverse contributors and embedded in trillions of devices, will safeguard the threat of dominance and control from bad actors or evil AI robots. In this pluralistic society there is no going back. DLT is conceived not only to provide us solutions to live in Hong Kong without embracing all Chinese values, or live in a frictionless trading Brexit Britain but embrace Europeanism, but also to expand our ‘me’ bubble to include everything around us.

In the future we will have a different relationship with technology which will, for the first time, industrialize doing good en masse; not a bolt on, not an afterthought, but mainstreamed and integral to our daily lives. Irrespective of whether there is higher meaning to our lives, whether there is a god metric or even a god code, what stands before us is our collective responsibility to make our society a better place for everyone regardless of values and ideology including at the extremes. This is an opportunity for universal participation paid for by the commercial interests of corporates, the blessing and regulation of governments, and our values. We pray, for the sake of mankind, that it will come soon but what is exciting for us is to finally see a pathway to a vibrant New World Order.

Olinga Ta'eed 

Blockchain as Non-Financial Currency: Reengineering our Data Consumption – #HaveMyData

Professor Olinga Taeed PhD FIoD *

Director, Centre of Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance

Council Member and Expert Advisor, Chinese Ministry of Commerce ‘China E-Commerce Blockchain Committee’

Data as a Non-Finanial Currency

This personal data thing, it’s just not working. Some claim that corporates want our data so they can sell stuff to us and governments want our data to control us. But companies retort that if you expect your commercial product to be free, and help create their jobs, economy and services to society, they must be allowed to get to know you to help (others) target you better. Like Google and their gmail, Facebook and their WhatsApp, bankers will tell you that free banking forced them to develop other more convoluted instruments that eventually ruined the world in 2008. Similarly, Sovereign States have a responsibility to protect their population and encourage positive social structures – so they see no problem with tracking our movements, rewarding good behaviours and identifying bad actors. Faced with 1.4 billion population, China openly uses a social credit system and defies ‘Land of the Free’ western ideology that hails individual rights preferring to protect the corpus not the few.

We have become obsessed with our personal data which is in the middle of this battleground but let’s face it, GDPR has failed – nothing has changed except we inanely press more cookie policy buttons and new T&C’s daily. We are happy to be in a selfless open and more sharing society, believe in open data, open source, open banking, but don’t see the incongruency with the rather self centred #MyDataMyWay. Things are set to become even more selfcentric – in blockchain we want to track your data to reward ourselves and to withhold our data if we’re not. Last month I sat in Shanghai whilst an entrepreneur pitched me with a system to token reward contributors of their medical data to resolve long term illness. STOP – what? So you would rather people die than share your data which is of no value to you whatsoever? Even if no remedy was found, your data would have helped create jobs and bring income to their families. So why have we become so possessive with our data and isn’t it misaligned to the open sharing world we are trying to create?

Tigris ART Celtic Bear

I think the issue is that we mistakenly think of data as a tangible hard asset like money, gold, land … things we can lose and others gain. Actually it’s not – data shows all the hallmarks of an intangible asset, a subject which I have studied for over a decade. Like all intangible non-financial assets, data value is dependent on the holder; you can’t spend it at Starbucks but it can be invaluable in the hands of others. Data transactions are directional – I love you doesn’t mean you love me. Indeed like love, happiness and hope, it is infinitesimally replenishable – you create more data tomorrow – you haven’t lost the asset by giving it.  Afterall we don’t stop smiling at a beggar because we think they’ve taken something from us? By smiling we have given them information about ouirselves – we have told them something about how we feel, the Holy Grail of personal data. We are happy to share with others on social media all about us, our inner beliefs, our core values, and then we’re upset that companies, governments, and others use it to understand or manipulate more efficiently? Doesn’t that happen every day with colleagues, friends, family when we share ourselves with them? What is it that we have lost?

If the dollar is the currency of financial value, I have wanted to know what is the currency of non-financial value. For years I promoted sentiment as the new currency of the millennium but in reality it has become impossible with current technology to come to a consensus on how to measure it. And if you can’t measure, you can’t bill it so all attempts to improve the world based on impact have hitherto failed. In the UK Social Value 2012, UK Slavery Act 2015, 2% CSR Laws in India, Indonesia and Mauritius, most United Nations MDG (and now SDG) initiatives, etc … the world is no better place; data is manipulated to be compliant, with honesty, integrity and compassion the ultimate loser. Data, however, is indeed universally measurable and thus a much better proxy to our intentions. What if we dispense with the misnomer that we can hold back the personal data ocean, and focus on the data transaction. I would be happy for my data to be used by governments, by corporates, by anyone if in exchange they agree to donate their upside (profits, tax, revenues, whatever) to civil society and undertake not to harm anyone in the process, including myself. To do this we would need an immutable ledger to track the use of our data – to tokenise not for personal gain but for societal gain. If you don’t want to surrender your information (which you cannot use in any case) then that is also fine … but don’t expect to receive the upside from the public and private interventions. Only blockchain can do this and provide the transparency for challenges.

A key differentiator of non-financial transaction is the basis on a social contract – eg in a relationship “you can have my love IF you make me happy, do not harm me or my children” – what we would call a smart contract with social dependencies. Intellectual Property, another intangible, has developed systems like Creative Commons which depend on simple attributes to safeguard the use; something very similar could be developed for our data. Permission to use our data, like a donor card, can be tokenized and withdrawn retrospectively demonstrating our alignment to corporate policy or government strategy, something we define as a Microshare Token. Making data consumption measurable, whether by corporates, governments  or NGO’s makes the impact actionable.


So in straight forward terms, what am I saying? Here is my data, please use it to get to know me. Try not to harm me …  and if you promise to use it for good, then I trust you with my data, my thoughts, my life, my hopes and my ambitions. I don’t wish to build a Mexican Wall of my life to repel all those seeking to know me whether for good or not.  It’s not my data, I will share it with you freely as I share my love, my happiness and my thoughts. Because I share it doesn’t mean I’ve lost it – I have new data tomorrow representing the new me. It is ever lasting, tomorrow I will generate more love, more happiness and more data. It does not belong to me, I give my IP to you freely to make the world better. Yes you made money by knowing me, or knowing me will make me more vulnerable to political influence. I’m happy for you. I hope it makes the world a better place. So don’t pay me, pay society… give them the money you would have given me for my data to others who need it. That is why data and blockchain are a perfect mixture. It’s a trustless system where we can share our data, transparently track it, contributing to a decentralized collective responsibility to be distributed to whoever needs it.

So let us put our data on the blockchain, not always insist on payment or recognition, but whomsoever uses the big data agrees by the principles of honesty, integrity, and respect of all those who put it there. And on our behalf, they agree to pay a percentage of the value they create from it to others … a social tax, a CSR, … and this we can track … through the blockchain, and permissioned through a token. Then it is a matter of compliance and not of ownership of our data. Companies decide which charities they pay, say 19% of their profits, and governments can give us 19% tax relief for using our data. Will this work and does anyone care? A straw poll of my children has swayed from my daughter Tigris’s condemnation of what I’m proposing, to my son Vien and spouse Elizabeth who use data to make their life seamless so find data intrusion of benefit in specific situations, to my partner’s daughter Alayna ambivalence “I don’t really care”. A blockchain data system could accommodate these broad spectrum of views.


* Opinions in this article are strictly my own. Art work by Tigris Ta’eed

Smart Cities

Summary of the key highlights

8th  Annual Session of Global Forum on Human Settlements

(30-31 October 2018, United Nations, Bangkok)

Blockchain as a technology has the potential to become one of the most pivotal routes to change for our societies.

The movement away from the centralised model of control which is the basis of almost everything we do, where we relying on a trusted centre.  Blockchain gives us the mechanism to de-centralise, to build organically, to create new structures of control and engagement.

This is a fundamental shift in how we structure ourselves in society.

With so much media attention on blockchain has focused mostly on the rise (and falls) of crypto currency valuations, it is easy to lose sight of the wider picture of the blockchain opportunity.

Add to that the uncoordinated nature of the non-centralised model, the slower approach that organics growth brings and the growing number of scams and mismanagement scandals and the result becomes a very fragmented environment.

We all intuitively know that an appropriate use of Blockchain technology does have real potential to make a change to how we operate cross-border and within societal groups, bypassing middle layers and removing the trusted centre, but we are yet to see mass adoption of real-world examples of this in practice.

And so, the really big questions are how far can Blockchain go?  How will it evolve?  What is required to create a step change in the way we live and operate?  What are the next steps?

My organisation, the Centre for Citizenship Enterprise and Governance, or “CCEG”, is a Think Tank that has had more than six years in the research and application of the movement of non-financial values, and over two years research and application of those research findings using blockchain technology.  We specialise in the tracking of the movement of emotional value, the things that give society well-being, contentment, happiness. That is those values that create engagement and good citizenship within communities.

CCEG Operations

This work is highly relevant to cities and human settlements.  As we understand, track and monitor the value sets of communities and individuals we become enabled to focused investment and channel our resources to materially to improve the well-being and contentment of citizens.

As we build the cities of the future, as we look to make significant change to those urban settlements that are not working, it is simply not enough to just create infrastructure and transportation links.  We need to create cities that inspire and generate high quality living, a healthy community and arguably, most importantly a content and happy society.

The blockchain technology can be used as a tool to engage the communities, to give people a voice and a vote. It can be used to delegate power and authority to empower community groups and organisations.  Through the use of Distributed autonomous organisations and/or foundations, blockchain can we used to develop the structures on which the cities operate and crucially the mechanisms for change and improvement.

Imagine a city where constant quality feedback from the millions of users of services and facilities are being utilised to adjust, refine and perfect city services for the benefit of the whole.  A city where the inhabitants are the owners, and the controllers of the core of the infrastructure, the architects of the future changes and the shapers of their own eco-system.  By their nature the citizens and not just engaged, they direct, drive and own the whole settlement.

These will be the cities of the future to which all others will aspire to replicate.


Procuring with our Values

In our daily lives we procure not with money, but with our values. We buy cars that bring us ‘joy’, purchase clothes that ‘empower’, acquire services that make us ‘happy’ … and reject offers that do not match our ‘hopes’.  Institutional procurement is moving in the same direction – we no longer decide only on price, speed and quality … but factor in sustainability, modern slavery, and social value. The brands we represent can no longer afford to associate with brands that are not aligned to our values; because of the transparency afforded by social media these intangible assets can decimate our tangible assets in a heartbeat.

The decision metric of procurement is not the just the dollar, but how aligned we are to those we procure from and with. When we decide to cut 3% from or budgets to increase shareholder value, the likelihood is that a community suffers, and worst still across multiple layers in the global supply chain others enter into slavery conditions. Because of you, some will end their lives in abject poverty, and others will celebrate life. Your decisions can lead to the ultimate sacrifice – in your hands is the power that someone lives or dies.

Whether the tender is for stationary or a billion dollar bridge, the future of procurement is changing. Governments already recognise that it is the single greatest instrument to achieve national objectives, enacting laws to align their suppliers with their values. It is surely time for procurement professionals to break away from the equivalence to the mundane world of accountants, auditors and actuaries, but to take our place at the top table in driving world change.

The 4th industrial revolution has provided us with a single instrument called Blockchain that can simultaneously measure, transact and delivery both financial and non-financial value transparently and at scale. This digital technology enables us to establish structures for good by making our financial decisions contingent on our institution’s alignment to a set of non-financial values. If we are being brave, we could involve AI to direct our decisions or to even fully automate the process, bypassing unfair or corrupt procurement which is prevalent wherever scale is involved. Furthermore, through tokenisation every single product, process, project, organisation or even person which is part of procurement can be fully aligned to all the stakeholders in our organisation – shareholders, customers, suppliers, government, environment, staff and the communities we serve.

Further blockchain related reading:

GENERAL (transparency)

TECHNICAL (english) (chinese)

Transparency of Values in a Decentralised World

The Seratio Ecosystem is aided by AI to assess the complex analytical data available and to steer consumers, becoming their online friend and guide

Hyper-Reality by Keiichi Matsuda

Two important trends are making corporates re-think their strategies and relevance in our future economies.


The hallmark of this decade has been the growth of transparency as an instrument to  openly display governance in our public offices, demonstrate corporate intentions, reflect the goodness within our products and even prove our own values to each other.

The public sharing of our actions and decisions is rapidly accelerating, particularly with the under 35’s. Social media and mobile apps  bring our lives under closer scrutiny, for many now on a daily basis. The things we like, where we socialise what we eat are all commonly shared on social media.  But what about the transparency of information to consumers?  Whilst price comparison sites and convenient middlemen layers have become commonplace, we remain sadly lacking in coherent, simple signposting for most of the goods and services we buy. To navigate our often intricate lives we readily embrace any kind of ‘Go-NoGo’ filters that allow decisions to be guided with least effort.

Arguably, consumer data, the value sets and preferences may become the most valued asset. As the trend for transparency continues, the analytics behind those choices and preference will shape the retail market push.  As important the trend of information to consumers will shape the markets, just as comparison sites have influenced and taken ownership of consumers in the insurance space, information and data providers of the provenance of goods have the same opportunity, to guide, advise and own the relationship with those consumers. Have goods been manufactured with slavery within their supply chain?  Are the suppliers and supply chain manufacturing those goods adding value to the world or detracting total value by stealing from their supply chain, or stealing from the environment?

The world is an increasingly complex place and consumers crave simplicity and convenience.  For this they are willing to sacrifice, security, privacy and price. At the same time, expectations of free services has never been greater.  The traditional model of “Make it Pay”  has been turned upside down by the media giants of the last two decades as they offer an app for our lives for free.

So it is somewhat surprising that the consumer “values” data space remains largely untapped. What is not just in our wallet but rather in our heads, our thoughts and our hearts remains opaque to retailers and suppliers as they seek greater levels of optimisation.


The antidote to centralisation is perhaps an even greater challenge to a traditional corporate organisation to navigate. How to remain relevant as a central player and controller in the non-centralised world the new public seem to crave.  The traditional model of central controller is broken down in the de-centralised world of the blockchain. This gives rise to new models, new expectations and new philosophies.

The inside out model, fails completely when one tries to implement a blockchain solution with a focus on one key stakeholder. Distributed Ledger Technology ‘DLT’ was created for a peer to peer environment, deliberately to eliminate the need for a central controller. Whilst blockchain is hailed as the next revolution and an even bigger impact than the internet, the largely centralised corporate world is still struggling to create meaningful, viable, value added applications as the models strike at the very heart of its operations.


The Seratio Ecosystem has brought together a model which addresses these two key challenges.

The original start point for the ecosystem was born from academic research into the movement of non-financial value and the understanding of a total value model, taking into account social, environmental and governance measures to assess the impact of a person, project, organisation, city, region or country. As with any measurement system, once metrics were established, agreed, recognised and used, then focus and improvements may follow. The DLT of blockchain technology presented  an ideal opportunity to move from the measurement of non-financial value to the transaction of non-financial value.

Communities of people who share common values and share a trading economy have already formed their own currencies, outside of the traditional boundaries of government and regulation and without any central controllers; organic growth. Value sets are recognised, shared and transacted.  Community members prefer to seek out those with aligned values, those who share the currency and demonstrate their value sets. This has led to crypto-currencies imbued with values, carrying the attributes of the communities that created them making it more transparent both to those who prefer to operate within these large cohesive, vibrant and transactable communities as well as those who wish to supply and target them with loyalty and rewards programmes.

Recognising the value sets or ‘provenance’ of individuals the Seratio Ecosystem also builds in the provenance of goods and services. The complex system is filtered down to a simple score to direct and guide buyers. In essence, to enable them to buy the things they value, which may be pro a particular value set, for example women or students whilst being steered away from those goods and services which fall outside of their individual values, for example anti-slavery or environmental.

The Seratio Ecosystem is aided by AI to assess the complex analytical data available and to steer consumers,  becoming their online friend and guide.  By directing purchases in the online space and on the high street value aligned purchases can be easily delivered, with no effort on the part of the consumer.

The use of blockchain and cryptocurrency record and give transparency to the value choices. In the same way that social media has a positive ground-up impact and empowerment,  the blockchain has a similar effect demonstrating aligned values and for the first time linking that to the economic activity those values support.

Number by Robert Hloz


Next Steps

To scale the models,  we need to build systems and put into practice the ecosystem platforms within a mass market. We welcome new partners who are interested in transforming their impacts and become a key player in this brave new world.

Who will step up and become the Google of the Blockchain World?







这段旅程始于2011年5月,我们创建了影响力数字化的测量方法,社会收益比率(S/E Ratio),它成为了“世界上普及速度最快的社会影响力分析指标”(梵蒂冈,2014)。S/E Ratio,作为代表金融性价值的市盈率(P/E Ratio)理论的推论,它将非金融价值转化为数字、将情绪转化为非金融价值,并通过快数据(Fast Data)在10秒以内实现这一过程。在成功地将其应用于社会价值法案2012、现代奴隶制法案2015欧盟项目以及一系列学术项目委托之后,CCEG成为了横跨许多行业的SaaS(软件即服务)平台的主要提供者,并拥有自己的期刊《社会价值和无形资产》。

2016年初,我们从单纯地测量价值转向了对价值流动的研究,通过了区块链添加了对价值进行交易的能力。我们现在下设一个CCEG区块链UN实验室——它于2017年10月在英国金融行为监管局(FCA)的指导下进行了英国本土的第一次代币发行;一个面向机构的区块链咨询顾问服务机构Rothbadi & Co;一个大型的、关于知识产权的分布式账本技术联盟CyberFutures;以及一个大学教育价值论坛(高校资质)www.EfficiencyExchange.ac.uk

建立坚实的理论架构 #goodistrending 

我们的目标一直是为社会带来开源的、结构性的正面变革,为此我们调研并发布了12本白皮书、一个名为Blockchain Alliance for Good的会员制区块链联盟 Frontiers in Blockchain,并与一家主流学术出版商共同发布了世界上第一本同行评审学术期刊《区块链前沿》。


CN seratio ecosystem v2



Seratio Ecosystem - circles




=> United Nations Sustainable Goals (SDG) 2030



The Seratio EcoSphere

End of a Journey, Beginning of a New



At the end of Q3 2018 the not-for-profit foundation Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance (CCEG) will have completed the Seratio Ecosystem to MVP (minimum viable product) level ready to start implementation in Q4 trials with significant partners in cities, regions and countries around the world.  This has been a 7 year journey, started in May 2011, to create structures for good that allows us to travel through our lives guided by the beliefs we hold dear to our hearts. By establishing a digital currency of intangible value, we can use AI (Artificial Intelligence) Bots on our mobiles to navigate our interactions with organisations, products, projects, processes and even people based on their provenance and how aligned they are to our own values. Retailers will be able to incentivise and target to differing degrees whole communities that match most closely their corporate values. We will be able to exchange our token instruments of non-financial value with assets of financial value.

Now moving to engagement and integration within global markets across public, private, civil society and community sectors, the Seratio EcoSystem will be governed by its participants through a Distributed Autonomous Foundation (DAF) which itself will integrate with other DAO (organisations) structures representing the Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO’s) both small and big. We are an international community of over 120,000 with a vision which are ready to deliver, but the next phase is about market need, scalable adoption, and professional operational delivery to give us a world based on sustainable social impact. Our common goal is to form a world transacting on the optimisation of Total Value where both Financial and Non-Financial Value are of equal importance and driven by our individual and collective Values.

The Journey (2011-2018)

We started our journey in May 2011 and created digital impact measurement, the Social Earnings Ratio, which became the “fastest adopted social impact analysis metric in the world” (The Vatican, 2014). The S/E Ratio, a corollary to the financial P/E Ratio, digitises non-financial value, turns sentiment into financial value, and does it through Fast Data in under 10 seconds. Applied successfully to Social Value Act 2012, Modern Slavery Act 2015, EU Commissions, etc and a plethora of academic commissions, CCEG became the leading provider of SaaS platforms across many sectors, with its own journal Social Value & Intangibles Review.

In early 2016 we moved from just  the measurement of value to the movement of value, adding a transaction of value capability through blockchain. We now have a CCEG Blockchain UN Lab which conducted UK’s first Initial Coin Offering in October 2017 with UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) guidance,  an institutional blockchain consultancy and advisory service Rothbadi & Co,  a large IP DLT consortium CyberFutures, and a university educational value forum www.EfficiencyExchange.ac.uk.

Justas Structuras Creare (Creating Just Structures) #goodistrending

Our aim remains to enable open source structural change for good,  having researched 12 Whitepapers, a membership association for Blockchain Alliance for Good, and the world’s first peer reviewed academic journal Frontiers in Blockchain, jointly launched with a mainstream academic publisher.

Development Cycle

Seratio Ecosytem final image

The integrated components of the Seratio EcoSphere are described above with the following easy to read non-technical guides to understand the linkages:

Current Status

Seratio Ecosystem - circles

The system as a whole is 85% complete (green shaded above) at present moment with 100% expected by October 2018. Originally expected to complete by July 2018, the additions of the DAF and Exchanges has extended the timescales a further 2-3 months. Although the securities financial exchange (yellow shaded above) will take further still with Swiss FINMA approval required, the security asset exchange is not an immediate requirement for day one as many others exist which we can use.

Moving Forward with Partners

With the end of the visioning and development cycle, comes a new challenge as we move into pilots and trials of our MVP to test and improve the Seratio system. We have in place already one pilot with a UK brand Mencap which has been delayed now to December 2018 due to their financial constraints, several demo’s and launches in November 2018 in Amsterdam and June 2019 in Copenhagen with Informa Plc (FTSE 100), as well as city launches in Taizhou (August 2018), Yiwu (October 2018), and country launches in Wales (August 2018) and Moldova (November 2018); other partners are now in discussion.

The Seratio Ecosystem is aided by AI to assess the complex analytical data available and to transparently steer consumers becoming their online friend. Similarly for public sector institutions, private sector corporates, civil society NGO’s – and their leaders – to become their values driven guide

As with all the work at CCEG, the Seratio EcoSphere is open source, and part of our contribution towards the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

If you wish to be a partner please feel free to contact us at blockchain.lab@cceg.org.uk



Social Value – The Bidders Portal and Modern Slavery Metric

Social Value has been gaining focus since the Social Value Act 2012 came out in January 2013, requiring public sector contracts to consider including Social Value, asking bidders to offer added value within the community, assisting with the gaps that reduced funding has created.

Making the decision regarding which Social Value offering is more valuable is a subjective matter.  How is it possible to understand if a career talk in a school will have more impact than that of an employability workshop?  The decision would likely come down to someone believing in one more than the other, but this doesn’t mean it’s the right choice for the community.

With funding cuts and bottom lines to protect, companies want to be as effective and efficient with their investments as possible.  Asking people to fill in feedback surveys will assist improvements to an extent, but company directors want to understand what it means in a language they understand – money.

At Seratio we use the Social Earnings Ratio (SER), we often use a combination of big data, social media and sentiment analysis, although only positive sentiment is measured, with company financial value to calculate the total value.  The metric uses a citizenship framework and the same algorithm, no matter what size the organisation is, the Social Earnings Ratio metric provides a financial value making results easy to articulate and understand.

Critizenship pic

SER results show $ for $ how effective a social investment has been, encouraging positive change where required.  At Seratio we work with public and private companies through the tender process, analysing offerings made by bidders and providing a financial figure, to enable procurement teams to make an objective decision regarding the Social Value offerings.

Below is a table which displays an example of the Value of Social contributions from a tender process.  This table content demonstrates the previous level of understanding of what is required.  Public contracts only ask for 20% Social Value, 52% is unusually high and leaves a question as to whether the bidders here understood that they would be monitored throughout the contract should they be successful and win.

SV table example.png

At Seratio, we support the procurement teams throughout the tender process, from the Selection Questionnaire (SQ, also known as the PQQ) right through to the assessment of the applications, providing a detailed report which include results like the table above, enabling procurement teams to make an objective decision. If insufficient data is provided we seek further information.

Social Value has been a challenge for bidders to understand, because they have had no way of knowing the true value of their offering, and some not providing required data, even with support.

To resolve this issue, we have built an online portal which enables bidders to enter data to calculate and understand the true Social Value of their offerings.  Bidders can enter the details required, for each of their offerings and the portal calculates the financial value for them.

Bidders portal 2

Details required for the calculation include the cost of the project and an approximation of people who will benefit and asks for an estimation of positive feedback.  The bidder can experiment with the data they enter so they gain an understanding of the value they will create from the offering and provides them with a benchmark of the desired impact.

Having a target stimulates focus and drive to achieve it, Social Value is often full of promises, but not always fulfilled.  This process encourages people to take ownership of their offerings and targets to assist with the successful achievement of them.

The vision for the Bidders Portal is to offer a free service to organisations which encourages them to include Social Value within their contracts, this will enable bidders to understand the true value of their promises and commit to achieving them. The results enable suppliers to offer their teams a KPI to achieve and communities benefit from more Social Value projects.

We have tools that can manage and monitor the process throughout the contract, although this is not a free service.

Another potential KPI is Modern Slavery.  We have developed a metric which calculates the risk levels within an organisation www.modernslavery.uk

mordern slavery uk

It is a very quick and easy process, asking for a few details, which must all come from the latest published financial accounts; financial year, total salary, total staff and the results of the staff survey for that financial year.

modern slavery data

We provide a RAG result which enables organisations to review their results and proceed with the necessary changes to resolve the issues.  It identifies where the Modern Slavery risk is in the supply chain. Protecting the brand and investing in the people and reputation of the organisation.  The results are not shared with anyone.  Below is an example of a RAG result.


In time there is hope that organisations will make Social Value and Modern Slavery a priority, a KPI, to be able to prove they understand what impact they are making on people’s lives and make improvements where required, to provide the best possible service, treating all their employees fairly, making the greatest positive impact that they can.

We also recognise that people may not feel comfortable whistle blowing, in fear that their anonymity is at risk.  We have set up a sight for anyone who feels there are issues within their organisation, an anonymous whistle blowing site www.modernslavery.uk which enables us to pass on the information received to the named organisation, but with peace of mind to the person providing the information, feeling safe using an external independent organisation.

It is important for people to feel they can be honest without judgement or fear of consequences for doing what they feel is right, and for companies to understand if there are issues within their work place, so that they can be resolved.

For more information about Seratio Limited and our services, please visit www.seratio.com

Rothbadi Blockchain Expert Programme

The Online University where “The Best” get rewarded with a job opportunity


Blockchain Education Program


Everywhere I go at the minute, the world is talking about Blockchain, and its abilities to solve many problems, the ability to fix the world, the stories are fascinating, I have met people from all walks of life, people who work on the track for Jaguar Land Rover, CEO’s of corporations, the Head of HR for Global brands whilst zip wiring in Snowdonia, they all want to know about Blockchain and what does it actually mean for them..  Plus how much money can they make on the Crypto stuff?  Confusion everywhere.

I haven’t seen this much excitement since the days of the internet and Social Media, the difference right now is that with the Internet and Social Media is available there is tons of information; but still not many places to go that you can learn and trust the information being given.



An opportunity exists right now for an online University / training programme,  managed by Practitioners, the people who have worked with the technology for many years, the team who have completed practical real-life delivery of real projects, not just those who have been on a course and now claim to be experts, a team who fully understand Blockchain and its potential,  a team who can create a career path once the learning is complete for the student.

So we are creating an online Blockchain Strategy Program, for students from all walks of life, professional individuals or just curious people can subscribe to the program and immerse themselves and learn about Blockchain, with our six-week full on program.

Content is being written, the platform is being prepared, and the marketing machine is already turning.

Students will be given a certificate of learning from a recognised practitioner organization, Rothbadi & Co.




Pathway to Success

“Moneyback learning”


The program is designed to provide a pathway for those students who want to learn, want to test and then want to implement using Blockchain.

Firstly students will subscribe to our six-week course; this will then provide them with a certificate for the ones who pass the course successfully, this will enable them to use this certificate in the real world as they have learnt from the elite providers (Rothbadi & Co), giving them credibility to any prospective employer or partner.

Secondly, for those students who wish to progress, Stage 2, an online learning centre with access to our many online live consultants, whereby students will have their own idea, and we will help them test their concepts and take them through to a final proof of concept.  (We may decide that we wish to support them beyond this stage and help deliver or share the knowledge).

Lastly, unlike any other training provider, Rothbadi & Co are in a unique position whereby the students who pass through phase 2, the best of the best could be offered a consultancy contract with Rothbadi & Co, providing them with the capacity to earn back the fees paid upfront. (“Money Back”)


Content & Platform

Alongside the above, Rothbadi &Co are working with several universities who are helping to compile the content for the courses.

We will also be working with larger organisations to allow them test Blockchain, a light touch, several week consultancy service, whereby they will bring a problem, and we will show them the result using Blockchain; this will provide them with the information to decide to go or not go with this exciting technology.

Follow on consultancy will be offered beyond this stage should the corporate decide to progress.


